“FeyeREi” (english version)

greek version

Action Plan for the project of NOESIS Institute
“A new beggining in Technical High-schools”
– Development of an autonomous fire detection system –

After the wildfires of last summer, resulting in 100+ casualties among our fellow citizens, we decided to apply the available technology in order to address one of the major causes of the massive deaths: the lack of early warning.

We drew inspiration from the 2004 Olympic Games and in particular from the Zeppelin Air Surveillance and also the Korfos Beach in Mykonos!
Armed with this inspiration, we sought a way to effectively tackle the problem of forest surveillance and early warning in case of emergency.

Working in the framework of the “Support and Management of Action Plans” act, in the context of the “New Beggining in Technical High School” project, implemented through the Operational Program “HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT, EDUCATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING” and co-funded by the European Union, we submitted our idea and developed our system which works in the following way:

A microcomputer (raspberry pi 3+) equipped with a camera and an internet connection, periodically captures images, programmatically analyzes them and in case of fire, sends a warning email. The system is mounted on a kite and flying, taking advantage of the wind in high risk days, in order to cover as wide a range as possible.

The software was developed by the IT students of our school using the very popular and highly demanded in the global labor market Python programming language.

The system was democratically named FeyeREi and our system logo was also made by students:


The Tests

Flight tests were carried out during the last school walk at Korfos beach, where we received the valuable assistance of the experienced kite surfer Alexandre Kuzolitz owner of the “KITE Mykonos” school. We took advantage not only of his kitehandling skill but also of his equipment (larger static kite) as the wind intensity on that day was very low.


Captured image from our “flying”system


Fire Simulation – Thermal Camera Test

Tests in “fire” conditions were simulated in the  laboratory of our school. Mykonos Fire Service assisted by providing equipment and in particular a thermal camera. The deputy commander of the Fire Brigade Vainderlis Antonios, brought along his handheld thermal camera, which we used in order to present our work and to explain how it works. An old electric resistor stove simulated the fire source.

The action was completed succesfully not only in respect with the technical development of a necessary security system but also aquisition of cognitive skills as our students put their hard-earned knowledge to a full practical application.


In addition to the outside professionals Alex of KITE Mykonos and the deputy commander of Mykonos Fire Brigade Vainderlis Antonios that we already mentioned, also contributed to the project:

the following Technical School sectors:

Electrical: providing consult on solar power systems
Engineering: providing constraction of the base of the kite suspension
Tourism: on the topic of promoting the project to the local community

But mainly the students of the IT class who accomplished a pioneering and difficult task with maturity:

Head Programmer: Andreas Alexandros Tudor

Developers were the below students, who are since the September of 2019, students of the university departments:

Choremis Giorgos  

“Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering”
University of West Attica (UNIWA)

Nicolae Lefteris  

Department of Digital Industry Technologies
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)

Goga Nikolas  

“Department of Informatics”
School of Sciences, University of Western Macedonia

Chen Ziawei  

“Computer Science Department”
University of Crete

Mygdalis Ilias  

“Department of Management Science & Technology”
International University of Greece

… and last but not least:

Our school principal Mr. Giorgos Roussounellos who assumed the most tedious and graceless bureaucratic role

Ms Kyriakopoulou Pelagia Associate Professor of IT class for the support in testing and online promotion of the project.

Project Manager:
Tzamouzakis William
Computer Engineer
Professor Epal Mykonos


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